Most gay couples that come to IRMS tell us they have done on average over a year’s worth of research before finally sitting down with a reproductive endocrinologist. Most admit to having trouble discerning where and with whom to begin the process of building their family.

We recommend you start your journey at an IVF clinic that can assist you in getting the donor of your choice, the gestational carrier of your choice, as well as the right legal counsel.
The first step is to make a new patient appointment with one of our physicians while considering what options best suit you as a couple. We highly recommend putting your questions down on paper so that in your consult we cover all that you wish to cover.
Whether an infertile couple or a same sex couple the process is the same to start. We need to determine the status of your health and fertility so we are able to best define the cycle-type to optimize your chance of having a healthy baby. All couples undergoing any type of fertility treatment will go through a standard evaluation, including bloodwork and genetic testing. This will be true for both you and your Partner.
On the day of your new patient appointment you will meet with your IRMS physician, nurse and financial counselor. You are able to do your bloodwork that day to get your initial testing underway. You will be given a checklist of things that need to be completed prior to your course of treatment. Checklists vary from patient to patient depending on cycle-type and age.
Your IRMS team is here to help answer all of your questions and to help you navigate preparing for treatment and your cycle. Since your cycle will be based on an egg donor, a gestational carrier and the appropriate legal counsel to protect yourselves as the parents of the offspring from your cycle, these issues will be fully discussed in your new patient consult.